Grids, Boards, Decks, Squares and Cells

Let's be clear about some crucial nomenclature.

A grid is made up of cells. The grid's design specifies the cell types, where precedent cells some from, how data is fetched from external systems and so on.

Each grid then exists for one or many Scopes. That is, it exists separately for e.g. each year of account, or each year and currency. We call the combination of a grid and a scope a deck.

When you come to use the system, you see boards made up of squares. The board will have live data in it, and Packola lets you edit that, move around to related boards and so on.

It's often safe to mix up grids and boards, or cells and squares, but when we wish to be unambiguous we will us this terminology:
Cell B17 on the Bad Debts grid is a scoped cell.
Square B17 on the Bad Debts board for 2007 has a value of 1,234.