Making the Easy Things Trivial

Packola's goal is to make the easy things trivial. Then your attention can focus on what's important.

As much as possible, we make Packola fetch data automatically and safely. Then we give you clear places to put amendments. That leaves you to worry about the significant issues in your figures.


A workflow can remind you what you're meant to do next, help you do that task, and let you show that you've done it.

In Packola we've a screen which shows a flow through any number of related steps. You can load the relevant board just by right-clicking on the step. Simple but effective.

It's all about streamlining

Packola is all about streamlining the process. We identify the important outputs. Then we work back to the inputs that are required and automate them. In a perfect world, that's it: one streamlined reporting cycle.

We've never done one like that. In the real world there are inputs which can't be automated, discretionary options which need to be allowed. But we still only do what needs to be done, pruning away figures that used to interest someone but are now just a distraction. Like a Formula One car, the end result has a shape which is not 100% sleek, but is as streamlined as it possibly can be.