Text cells have fixed label text. They're white.
Formula cells calculate values from other squares in this board. They're grey.
Scoped cells have a value entered into them. They're gold until a number is entered when they turn yellow.
Precedent cells have a copy of a number from another board. They're light blue.
Group Precedent cells sum a number across a number of similar boards. They're a slightly darker blue.
Brought Forward cells have an editable number that was brought from a previous exercise, such as the year end position. They're pink.
Underwriting cells have a number read directly from another system. They're a strong blue.
Accounting cells have a number read directly from another system. They're green.
Logic cells switch a behaviour on or off. They're purple.
Squares that are a copy of a Special Case are gold.
Go to Anatomy of a Packola Screen post to see how it looks in practice.